Chapter 434

Paul’s rampage left the guards severely injured. They coughed up blood and screamed in agony, yet couldn’t

stop him.

“Oh no! Grandfather has gone mad!” Torben exclaimed in shock. His gaze suddenly fell on Dustin, and he shouted, “Uncle! It’s all that kid’s doing! He caused Grandfather to go berserk. Quickly, capture him!”

“That’s right! I’ve long seen through this kid’s malicious intentions. He deliberately poisoned Father and caused Father to end up like this. He must be punished severely!” Autumn echoed.

“Don’t accuse Dustin without evidence! I don’t believe he would do such a thing!” Patrick shouted.

“Hmm…” Frowning. Spring quickly approached Dustin and asked, “Young man, what’s happening? Didn’t you say my father was fine? Why did he lose control?”

“Somebody tampered with my needles.” Dustin carefully observed and quickly noticed something wrong.

“Tampered with your needles? What do you mean?” Spring was puzzled.

“I inserted three silver needles in the posterior neck, lower chest, and stomach acupoints to stabilize internal injuries. However, the needle in the lower chest acupoint is missing.” Dustin explained.

and noticed the silver

“I can see right

making excuses!”

become like this. Stop wasting time and just torture him until he confesses the truth!” Autumn said,

is my friend, and I’m willing to guarantee with my life that he’s innocent!”


are obviously

mouths!” Spring furrowed his brow and turned to Dustin. “Young man, you

you can do to

father, I have a method

grandfather? That’s utter nonsense!” Torben was displeased. “Do you even know who my grandfather is? He was a master of Balerno martial arts, a towering

None of the armed guards could get close to my father. How can we restrain him?”


is surely tricky.”


Chapter 434

grandfather in martial arts. However, Jonas was

coming this way!” Torben

up and saw Paul changing direction and charging toward them furiously. In an

Patrick turned his head

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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