Chapter 306

The old man patted the dust off his body in a poised manner.

“That was a wonderful fight!” The young girl excitedly clapped after Ralph won. She turned to Dustin and Maximus. “See? Isn’t my grandpa amazing?”

“Abby, did you see my palm strikes just now? Those are our guild’s signature moves. You’ll amaze the world when you finally learn it,” Ralph said loudly.

“I’ll work hard to meet your expectations, Grandpa Abby nodded fervently.

“Oh, and they are?” Ralph turned his attention to Dustin and Maximus.

in time. With

them a look over. “Treacherous bandits and ferocious beasts always roam this mountain. You

a move since you’re safe.” Dustin thanked them and spun

on!” Abby suddenly called out. “You’re here to watch the fight between

you guys here for that too?”

“To tell you the truth, Boulderthorn invited many witnesses for

was amused. “Is that

eyes. “I can tell that you’re clueless. Well, any fight between famous martial artists

true that

men seem like fine people with strong bodies. I’ll give you a chance

Dustin was

stars. Being my grandpa’s disciple is a dream many people have. What are you

but no thanks,” Dustin

be grateful that Grandpa’s willing to take you

hands behind his back. “It’s an honor to be my disciple. All I have to do is teach you a few

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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