Chapter 426

“The gold is indeed tempting, but I don’t like it. So I can’t accept the conditions you just mentioned.” Dustin shook his head.

“If you don’t like gold, then name your price.” Hector raised his chin.

“Mr. Harmon, forgive me for speaking frankly, but Natasha should decide her marriage herself. As her parent, you shouldn’t forcefully interfere with such matters,” Dustin said.

“What?” Hector frowned. “Are you teaching me how to do things?”

“I’m just speaking the truth.” Dustin remained composed. “As parents, shouldn’t you want your children’s marriages to be happy?”

“Hmph! What do you even know?”

At this moment, Jessica couldn’t hold back any longer. “Do you know who Natasha’s fiancé is? He is Tyler Grant, a natural–born genius and the future rising star of the Dragonmarsh! Only by marrying him can Natasha have a good future!”

“That should be up to Natasha to decide. If she doesn’t want to marry him, you can’t force her.” Dustin argued reasonably.

challenge to the authority

enemies with the Harmon family, but I’m willing to take this risk for

myself. As long as she doesn’t want to marry,


turned cold. “I’ve tried to speak nicely to you for Natasha’s sake, but if you insist on being stubborn, don’t blame

Don’t provoke my father. It’ll bring you

Harmon family. He wielded great power and was known for his resolute decisions. Although Dustin had some ability,


you’re the one being stubborn, not

Very well!” Upon hearing that, Hector smirked. “Young man, you surely are fearless! I’ll give you three days. If you’re willing to leave Millsburg within three days, I won’t hold it against

he turned and

“Wait!“Dustin suddenly called out.

change your mind?” Hector turned back, his

some respect for him. At least Dustin was a persistent person. However,


Chapter 425

a bad condition. You probably won’t last three days.‘ Dustin

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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