Chapter 372

Dahlia frowned, for it wasn’t a small amount. In the whole of Swinton, there were only a few individuals who had one billion in liquid assets to withdraw from.

“Of course, if you’re unable to secure the investment funds needed, please step aside and make way for someone more deserving. We don’t want you hindering the company’s development.” Gloria sneered.

billion investment fund, not the family patriarch. She didn’t wish for an outsider to hold that much authority. That was why she came up with the idea to make her step aside on her own accord. She would also be able to give a good explanation when questioned by the

even manage

it. I’ll take on the role of chairman instead.” Dakota raised her head arrogantly. With her connections

couldn’t manage? It’s only one billion. We’ll get it done in

more reasonable!” Dahlia’s brows

to me. I’ll make sure to get it done.” Dustin smiled

three days. All of you will get the fuck out of this family! “With that, she left with the aid of her cane, not allowing them any

days? Don’t be naive, you’re not

for both of them to achieve such a feat, not to mention Dahlia. They believed Dustin was only trying to show off and said so in a moment of indignance. However, that just made him appear

anger, “Rhys! What makes you think you can just agree to their conditions on your own? Do you know that once we fail, Dahlia will lose her position as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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