Chapter 422

The ladies shrank away from the table in terror. Nelson, looking as though he’d seen a ghost, immediately

pulled away, worried that Dustin might suddenly kill him as well. The only one left calmly sitting in his seat was Patrick.

“Can I know what you have against Harry?” Patrick asked cooly.

“Nothing.” Dustin shook his head.

“Then, do you have a grudge against him?”


“Then, why did you kill him?”

“Because he deserved to die.”

pressed. He despised people

they didn’t deserve to be

doesn’t the vodka smell wonderful?” Instead of answering Patrick’s question, Dustin countered with a question of


Dustin pulled out

he drew the needle back out,

that there was poison in the vodka

poison was extremely potent!

could that be?” The crowd exchanged fearful looks.

him,” Dustin responded calmly. “He puts on a facade of flattery but was secretly plotting such a

wonder he killed the latter with such certainty, while Patrick was still kept in

you can’t prove that Harry was the one who did it.” One of the ladies

accept Dustin’s reckless

he kill

do with this?” Dustin reasoned. “I was testing him earlier, but he endured it and kept changing the topic,

else could

words rendered the ladies speechless. Now that they thought


impressed!” Patrick’s smile returned. It

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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