Chapter 429

Looking at the crushed Gemiphen, Nicholas was heartbroken and furious. He didn’t care about his Image anymore and immediately threw himself to the ground, collecting the powder bit by bit.

It left everyone dumbfounded. Was it necessary to make such a fuss over a broken pill?

“Mr. Turner, what’s going on?” Spring was perplexed. People from Stoneray Valley were usually proud and arrogant. They had never lost their composure like that.

“What’s going on? How dare you ask me such a question?” Nicholas angrily retorted, “How can you destroy a panacea? This is a very rare pill. Such a waste! Who is the idiot who did this?!”

“Mr. Turner, are you mistaken? How could this black broken thing be a panacea? Torben looked skeptical.

“You’re such a fool!” Nicholas stared at him like he was an idiot. “What you call a broken thing is the Golden Crow Pill, a holy medicine for healing! It specializes in treating various internal injuries and chronic ailments. Your grandfather’s life could have been saved!”


changed upon hearing that. Although they didn’t know what Gemephin was. The fact that

internal injuries and that Nicholas held it in such high regard indicated that

ordinary item.

To think that such a miraculous healing

heart aching. Nicholas pounded his chest and

Valley, he held precious tablets in higher regard than anything else.

the Gemiphen get

destroyed a medicine that could save Grandfather. How will you explain yourself to

feeling guilty. “Besides, this wouldn’t have happened if you had

mistake, and now you’re trying

just a pill. If it’s destroyed, then it’s destroyed. Just get another one. Why make such a fuss?” Autumn continued

is a common cabbage? Do you think we can just conjure another one out of thin air? It was a gift from my friend. Who knows if there’s another one?” Patrick frowned.

he also remained

on this for now. Saving Grandfather is the priority. Contact

the Gemiphen as soon as possible!”

to ask. Knowing how urgent the situation was, Patrick didn’t

number. He briefly explained the situation

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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