Chapter 299

Dahlia didn’t pick up the first two times. It wasn’t until his third attempt that the call got through.

“Hey, Dahlia. Didn’t you tell me to treat you to dinner? Why aren’t you here yet?” Dustin asked.

“About that I’m sorry, but something came up. I might not be able to leave any time soon.” Dahlia’s voice sounded strange.

“It’s alright. Work is more important. Take your time. I won’t bother you.” Dustin answered understandingly despite the tinge of regret.

Dahlia hummed. “I’ll treat you another day.”

“Sure.” Dustin smiled. He was just about to hang up when he heard a familiar voice.

“Dahlia, who are you calling? Hurry up. You’ve got to drink with me-”

a beep,

when is Ms. Nicholson arriving?” the manager

come. You can put everything away. I’m sorry, everyone.” Dustin smiled politely and got up

had the carefully


I can’t drink anymore. Let’s stop here tonight.” Dahlia waved her

of wine

she was light–headed, her body

out of that mess. You can’t be that ungrateful,

glass unhappily.

It’s just one glass.” Florence,

because they wanted to save James, so they had to make sure they

troubled. Knowing her limits, she was sure she’d collapse if

last glass.” Luis

last glass. You shouldn’t embarrass him.” Florence

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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