Chapter 406

Mike assumed an aggressive stance, his eyes sharp. With his tall, buff body, he did look rather threatening. The girls standing behind him stared at him with sparkling eyes; their hearts pounding.

What young woman wasn’t a romantic at heart? They had fantasized about being a damsel in distress saved by prince charming more than once.

“Punk, do you know who the fuck I am? How dare you stick your nose in my business?!” The man in the suit cupped his bleeding head, his eyes dark.

“I don’t care who you are. If you don’t kneel and apologize today, don’t blame me if I shatter your legs!” Mike waved his bat.

“That’s right, apologize!” his group of buddies crowed. Boys at their age naturally had no fear.

“Great! A group of prepubescent boys dares behave so arrogantly in front of me? Just you wait!” the man spat harshly as he attempted to slip away.

man’s legs. The latter stumbled and almost crashed

get physical, the other boys picked up their

front of them. He said placatingly, “You’re all still

are you?”

Abigail’s father,” the short–haired girl said with a scornful

was really embarrassing

off,” Mike said, acting magnanimous. Although he looked down on people like that,

“Thank you.” Edmund beamed.

for? Get

don’t run off!” The man in the suit gritted his teeth

What if they get backup and come back for payback?” the girl with short

is? I’m not afraid to tell you that this place belongs to Lord Horst of the Flame Dragon Gang! Anyone who causes trouble here has a

Horst of the Flame


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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