Chapter 445

The next morning. Dustin was reading medical literature when a silver Bentley pulled up at the entrance of the courtyard.

“Bad news, Dustin! Something happened to my dad!” Ruth rushed into the building and yelled anxiously.

“Calm down. Your dad won’t die yet.” Dustin slowly lowered his book, looking unbothered.

“Huh? How did you know?” Ruth was surprised.

“Didn’t I tell you yesterday? Your father was poisoned, and he won’t live past three days. This is only the second day, so he still has one day left.” Dustin answered.

“Then, what should we do? Can you treat him?” Ruth pressed.

can, but

“What is it?”

sister’s request and

“Dustin, this isn’t a matter

expecting. Should the engagement be broken off, the relationship between the two families would worsen, which could negatively impact the


He’s always prioritized the bigger picture. For the greater good of the family, he’d


you to be my

use this incident to change the other man’s mind, but

Ruth said, “If you want to stop them


her voice. “The Harmons‘ annual family gathering is happening tomorrow. I’m sure Tyler will send some gifts tomorrow. You should use that opportunity to kick up a fuss. You might be able to

engagement up that way.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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