Chapter 369

At the sight of the cold glare Gloria shot her, Dahlia frowned, and her expression darkened too. This was no longer about paying respect or following customary practices. When Gloria spat the tea on her face, she made it clear that she was blatantly insulting her. She was here to flex her authority over Dahlia and exert dominance over them all!

“What’s wrong with you, Dahlia? Grandma asked for tea, and you served it to her boiling hot? Did you do it on purpose?” Dakota started to pin the blame relentlessly on Dahlia once she saw the opportunity.

“I think someone’s just not happy with us and is deliberately trying to make things difficult!” Jane echoed.

do it on purpose! Besides, I’ve had the tea too, it isn’t boiling hot!” Florence quickly tried to salvage the

you’re saying is that I’m lying?” Gloria’s

I–I must have been mistaken. I’m sure the problem is with me,” Florence said apologetically with an awkward laugh. She dared not


not fathom why the patriarch would pick this woman to be

over and handed it to Dahlia, beckoning for her to serve Gloria the

of us?” Gloria shot her a nasty side–eye. “If you can’t even perform these basic practices,

slapped it on the table. “Have you any idea what this is? This is your letter of authorization. The family has a conglomerate with a market value of over 10 billion in the southern province. You have initially been

were to become president of a conglomerate worth over 10 billion dollars, it would drastically

she could. This was the opportunity of a lifetime! She’d never



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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