Chapter 387

“How dare you lay a finger on Madam Gloria? You crossed the line!” The elderly servants standing around were taken aback when they saw that Gloria had been slapped. Enraged, they flung themselves at Dustin and attacked him.

“A bunch of rude bitches!” Dustin’s expression hardened, and he slapped the elderly servants out of his way without a word. Some fainted on the spot, some were bleeding from their noses and mouths, and some lost their teeth, Within a blink of an eye, those who assaulted Dahlia were lying on the floor, immobile.

“Dustin Rhys, how dare you hit us? You’re asking for trouble!” Dakota stood up, albeit staggering, with a look of menace and resentment on her face. She was the daughter of a wealthy family, and her grandma was one of the heads of the Nicholson Family. A good–for–nothing like Dustin had beaten them up–he clearly didn’t know his place!

“Not only am I beating you up, but I will also cripple you!” Dustin gave Dakota a heavy kick in the abdomen, sending her flying in the air into a wall, screaming in pain and bleeding from the mouth. “You animal! You’re dead meat! Your entire family is in deep shit! How dare you hurt the Nicholsons? We’ll make you pay for that!” Gloria, who got up from the floor, hissed evilly at Dustin. No one had the audacity to lay a finger on her in many years. This young man had some balls! “Make me pay? Oh, you don’t have the right to.” He slapped her on the face again, and this time, her nose and mouth were hit, and even her fake tooth fell off. Almost instantly, she started convulsing and foaming at the mouth.

“Dustin, don’t hurt them!” Seeing that, Dahlia jumped in to stop him. She was worried that he might accidentally kill Madam Gloria in a fit.

“How are you feeling?” Dustin reined in his temper and helped her up from the floor.

“I only suffered from a few external injuries. It’s nothing.” She forced a smile at him.

this ‘nothing‘?” Frowning, he looked sulky, and the more he thought about the situation, the

he stomped hard on Dakota’s face. Her decent–looking face was instantly horrifically ruined and bruised. Dustin finally felt


rude bitches a lesson, they will never learn.”

the elderly, Madam Gloria. I’m worried that we can’t get ourselves out of this.” After the initial joy, she was burdened by

revenge, they can come

didn’t slap her today, she would’ve really thought she was above everyone


Gloria stirred awake, still lying on the ground. She was greeted by the mess in the room. Touching her swollen and red face, she

called a number on her phone. “Hey! Get

that he started applying to Dahlia’s skin. Dakota and the elderly servants did not go easy on Dahlia at all. The poor victim was covered in bruises on her face, limbs, and across her body. He dared not imagine

a few moves from me? At least, you’ll have some skills to defend yourself if you ever run

would only be powerful because of his or her connections and influence, not their martial arts skills. Many of the big bosses were bad at fighting, but their existence was enough to stop anyone from stirring up trouble. The top

strong because I train myself to be.” He shook his head. ” Take off your

awkwardness. “Um, maybe get

make it sound like I’m taking advantage of you?”

top to display the lovely curves of her back. Her milky skin

bruises on her back.

sore area

he channeled some internal energy to clear up the blood clots.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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