Chapter 375

“Tyler Grant?!” The crowd erupted in an uproar with her reveal.

Everyone in Southern Province knew of Tyler Grant. He was the rising new general of Dragonmarsh. A true prodigy, he had recorded numerous military achievements at a young age and was given the nickname General Lionheart, holding the third–highest rank in the military. Among the younger generation in the entire Southern province, he stood as the leader.

Some influential figures even proclaimed that his achievements in the future would rival those of the God of War, Adam Spanner! The Grant family was already known for being part of the Tremendous Three, and now, with his status as the exceptional genius of the family, his name soared to even greater heights. For the past few years, he had been someone everyone did not dare


identity, everyone present was stunned. The man from Stoneray Order especially looked upset, but he was unable to utter another word. Although Stoneray Order possessed significant power, they were ultimately not comparable to them. Their power could never compare to that of one of the families

Jayla looked at him in contempt. She silently laughed at their attempt to show

man in the long–sleeved shirt remained silent with his head

The corner of her lips

Jayla revealed her

voice rang out unexpectedly.

head turned toward the voice, only to find a plump middle–aged man with his paddle raised. It was none

men beside her. She had not anticipated their audacity to challenge her, especially after she

fatty? His bravery is comparable to his size.

think it’s

Big Buck Brooks. I

Brooks? He’s just filthy rich. He’s a nobody to those who hold power. If

surprise, astonishment, and disdain were heard. Even when he

sure you want to fight me on this?” Jayla turned her head to the side, giving

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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