Chapter 447

“You agree, then?” Peter regarded Dustin disdainfully with his arms folded.

“Of course.” Dustin nodded. “Since you look so confident. I’m curious to see how good you are. However, I

hope you don’t regret your promise later.”

“Good. I’ll show you how lacking your traditional medicine is compared to modern medicine!” Peter smirked smugly. He pulled a vial of green liquid from his case and explained. “See this? This is the newest antidote my

team developed. Within thirty minutes, the patient will wake up again.”

“Good luck.” Dustin’s response was simple.

“Look closely. This is the power of science!” Peter exclaimed before slowly injecting the green drug into

Hector’s body.

began to react. Sweat beaded Hector’s forehead, his limbs began warming up, and the blue discoloration in his skin began to recede

“It’s working! It’s working!”

were over the moon to see

of a leading medical professor from abroad, the effects of such a small

Peter’s skills. One vial was enough to deal with a complicated

temporary fix. It won’t fix

are as stubborn as

nothing but tricks. How


think, Jessica? The person I asked for help is good, isn’t he?”

I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

it. We’re a family, after all.” Trent waved her off. “The annual family gathering is tomorrow. As the head of the family, Hector will have to host

Jessica nodded her

Rhys! It’s time to keep up your end of the bargain!” Quentin yelled. “From today onwards, you’re


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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