Chapter 412

It was fortunate that Lord Horst hadn’t taken things too far, or the consequences would have been dire.

“So, you agree to join my gang?” Lord Horst asked, lighting another cigarette after calming down.

“I don’t mind joining, but I want to be the gang leader.” Dustin shocked everyone with his words, causing Lord Horst’s second cigarette to fall out of his mouth.

Couldn’t Dustin say something normal?

“Are you nuts? Even my brother is only the assistant leader. What gives you the right to be the gang leader?” the suited man argued, displeased.

Lord Horst took a deep breath and stuck another cigarette into his mouth before asking. “Do you have any idea how big Flame Dragon Gang is? People all over Millsburg are dying to get in, so what gives you, someone with no power or strong family background, the right to say something like that?”


of Dustin’s finger, a beam of light shot towards the wall. An ear–splitting boom broke out as a meter–wide hole appeared in the wall made of steel and concrete. The force that created

stronger than a cannon.

Horst brothers gaped incredulously at the hole, and Lord Horst’s cigarette fell

once more.


Divine–level martial artist?” Lord Horst was flabbergasted and began sweating profusely. If Dustin was truly a

twenties. It was extremely rare to find someone so strong at this age, even in Millsburg. It was a good thing Lord Horst hadn’t gone through with

shouldn’t be a problem. However, people might not be willing to follow

I’ll beat up anyone who defies me.” Dustin replied nonchalantly. “Since I’m new to the city, I needed

to smile, silently muttering. “Curse my rotten

what’s your name?”

Lord Horst

remember to talk to your gang leader when you get back and tell him to step down.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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