Chapter 414

“He actually got out?” Mike was stunned. He never expected Dustin to leave that place safely. He only made a casual call to his dad without expecting much.

Since when had his father gotten so authoritative?

“Um, are you all right?” Abigail was the first to walk out of the coffee shop and approach Dustin, the rest of the students following behind her.

“What could’ve happened?” Dustin splayed out his hands. “And why haven’t you gone home yet?”

“Abigail was worried you were going to be chopped up, so she wouldn’t leave.” Nina interjected. “Still, to think you managed to get out of there safely after upsetting Lord Horst. You sure are lucky. I’ll give you that.”

“Is he very powerful? I went easy on him just now and didn’t give him a beating.” Dustin responded indifferently.

“What? You wanted to give him a beating?” Nina rolled her eyes. “Are you crazy? Lord Horst is the assistant leader of Flame Dragon Gang, and he’s got hundreds of men at his beck and call. No one could save you!”

fighter. There are

dangerous Millsburg can be. Do you think you could’ve safely escaped if Mike hadn’t made a call to help you?” One of

Mike?” Dustin

boy waved at Mike proudly, being the perfect

shook his head, smiling. “First of all, I left using my own skills. It had nothing to do with others. Secondly, what makes you think that a person who

displeased. “It’s bad enough that you aren’t thanking Mike

shouldn’t have asked Mike to help you if we knew you would be

let him

a lesson.” Mike waved their words away, feigning

This is how a kind and generous person should act.” Nina

a lot to learn before you can reach Mike’s level.” the boys

help frowning. Although they were attracted by Dustin’s good

character put them

If you think that he helped me, then so be it.” Dustin couldn’t be bothered to argue. After lagging down a taxi, he

my way. Let me know if anything comes up,”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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