Chapter 290

“What?” Joshua stared at his sister’s body incredulously. He never thought that Dustin would be so ruthless,

killing without warning.

“Anything else you want to say?” Dustin calmly asked.

“D–don’t kill me! Please don’t kill me!” Joshua fell to his knees, begging. “I was an idiot to offend you. Please forgive me. I swear I won’t go against you ever again!”

“You had your chance, but you didn’t appreciate it.” Dustin’s face was void of any sympathy.

“N–no. I do. I promise! Please! I’m still young. I don’t want to die! Just let me go. I’ll do anything you want. I


Joshua began ramming his forehead into the floor. He wasn’t able to win against Dustin when he was in peak condition, so why would he have a winning chance now? For Dustin, killing Joshua would be as easy as killing

an ant.

“I’m pretty sure that’s not what you said just now.” Dustin sneered. “Didn’t you say that you were going to

make me suffer like never before after you recovered?”

“N–no, I didn’t!” Joshua shook his head frantically. “I would never dare!”

“Where’s Edwin?” Dustin demanded, clearly having lost his patience. He had searched the entire villa, but there

was no sign of Edwin Hummer.

“I–I don’t know! I heard that my dad went to Millsburg to get me medicine, but I have no idea where he is.”

Joshua cried.

“He’s in Millsburg, eh? Lucky bastard.” Dustin felt regretful that Edwin managed to get away.

let you know as soon as he’s home! I’ll be your faithful

on.” Joshua smiled weakly, grasping at

to betray your father? You’re worse than an animal.” He

holding a silver needle.

Grants‘ third daughter. You’ll become their enemy if you kill me.

your life!” Joshua roared,

that when you kidnapped Natasha. As for the Grants and

So, you’ll definitely die

the silver needle lodged itself in the space between

Joshua wailed with his last breath, the sound

mansion in Millsburg, Edwin woke up with a start from his nightmare, sweat blanketing his whole body. For some reason, his sleep had been restless, an ominous feeling


a tall

hell are you?”

kill you.” The figure slowly lifted its head, and from the moonlight shining

arrested? When did you

to back up in terror. Just this morning, he’d received Tina’s message that the military had captured Dustin. How did he get free in

words?” Dustin

Rhys! We have Boulderthorn and the Grants‘ protection. If you

she could finish her sentence, Dustin flicked his wrist, and a silver needle embedded

before tilting her head back and falling to the ground,

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

He never

killing without warning.

you want to say?” Dustin calmly

knees, begging. “I was an idiot to offend

but you didn’t appreciate

still young. I don’t want to die! Just let me go. I’ll do anything you


was in peak condition, so why would he have a winning chance now? For Dustin, killing Joshua would be as easy

an ant.

say that you were going to make me suffer like

his head frantically. “I would never

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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