Chapter 326

The middle-aged man’s expression was unfriendly, I’m warning you. Don’t try to be a hero. Otherwise, I’ll break both your legs!”

“You can hit anyone but her.” Dustin stood in front of Natasha, his gaze calm.

“And if I do?” he sneered.

“Then I’ll cripple you,” Dustin smiled.

of living, bastard!” The middle-aged man finally erupted in anger. “Get

On his command, the bodyguards stopped

With a wave of his sleeves, sharp whistles were heard. Appearing like hidden

blink of an eye, the previously arrogant

He’d been around long enough

shocked She would have never thought that an

have had immense strength to be able to pierce a knife through the bodyguards’ knees. What

her gaze betrayed a

How dare you poke your nose into the Langford family’s business?” The

you’re from the Langford family? I’m butting in since

was about to leave when Dustin grabbed him by the collar and pulled back forcefully. With a resounding bang, the man crashed

say you can leave?” Dustin

want?” His body felt like it was about to fall apart as

can act as if nothing happened and escape just like that? Think again. Get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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