Chapter 391

Was the bodyguard made of steel? Even a knife could not penetrate his skin!

“Hmph! Cougar is a martial artist who’s at the height of internal energy cultivation. Do you seriously think you can hurt him with that toy knife of yours?” Dakota scoffed in disdain. Gloria had called in the two martial arts experts who worked for her to make up for her loss of dignity earlier. No matter how powerful Dustin was, he was destined to be defeated.

“Get lost!” With a slap, Cougar subdued Florence. Gloria strutted up arrogantly and rested her walking stick on Florence’s face, saying, “I’m giving you a chance to get Dahlia and Dustin to come home. If you don’t, I’ll break the legs of your son!”

I’ll make the call right now!” Florence frantically scrambled for her phone and called Dahlia, specifically reminding her daughter to bring Dustin home as well.

no time. Please wait.”

minutes, tops. With each minute that passes after that, I’ll crush one

more than

and helpless, for he didn’t ask to be part

villa was busted open once more. A group of men marched

Hummer?” Florence and James were shocked at the man in the

Gloria confronted the new visitors

these two.” Edwin pointed at Florence and

has asked someone to help her out!” Gloria scanned the men with disdain.

You better beg for forgiveness if you don’t want trouble!” Dakota yelled at Edwin’s

once more. Those who are unrelated to them–get

Madam!” The elderly servants chuckled menacingly and charged at Edwin. He was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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