Chapter 410

After Lord Horst issued his command, the entire room was quickly emptied, and all the surveillance cameras were turned off. Mike and some of the students were huddled together in a corner, shaking and not daring to

move. They were well aware that things were getting serious.

“You seem quite calm, kid. Don’t you know you’re in deep shit?” Lord Horst was surprised. Usually, people would be quaking in fear after hearing him order his men to clear out a place, but Dustin was oddly indifferent

about this.

He couldn’t tell if Dustin was brave or just foolish.

“Really? I can’t tell.” Dustin shrugged.

“I might consider letting you live if you chop off one of your hands and beg for forgiveness, so you better not whine that I never gave you a chance, kid.” Lord Horst drew out a knife and tossed it. The blade landed next to

Dustin with a clang.

a chance to scram with your idiot of a brother before

of the students were

just threatened Lord

What the hell?

assistant leader of Flame Dragon Gang they were talking about. The person

someone’s fate!

for forgiveness, much less

a lesson today.” With a chilling glare, Lord Horst signaled to his men. “You lot! Teach

“Yes, sir!”

the bodyguards began inching toward Dustin. They were the elites of Flame Dragon Gang. After enduring all the training, they had all become low–level martial artists, so they

be able to handle him?” the suited man asked hesitantly. He could still vividly remember what Dustin

Lord Horst humphed disdainfully. “My guards are elites that I handpicked. Getting rid

they were so strong. That’s great!‘ The

of varying skills and strengths, as well as

watch. They’ll defeat that brat in seconds.” Lord Horst announced

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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