Chapter 459

Chapter 459

“Everybody. I know that all of you hate me, but please let me say a few words.” Dustin looked around and said loudly, “As long as you let me finish speaking, you can kill me ordo anything you please. I will not resist!”

“Hmmph! Are you still trying to make excuses till the very end?” Jacob demanded with a glare.

“I must say this regardless of whether you’ll believe me, but Quentin deserved to die. That’s because he is the real culprit who poisoned you!” Dustin dropped a bombshell.

a Harmon. How could he poison members of his own

the culprit?” Everyone scoffed and looked at Dustin with hostile gazes. If it wasn’t because Natasha was

Hector, who had been silent till then, finally spoke up. He didn’t trust anyone, only the facts of

kept suspecting me. He even used all

to determine if it was the truth. Everybody had their own version

still icy. “He’s already dead anyway, so you can say whatever you want, can’t

Do you think you can walk free by making up a story? Let me tell you that won’t be the case!” The members of the Harmon family

must show us evidence!” Hector


what?” Jacob

odd scent on Quentin? It smells almost

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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