Chapter 237

“How could this happen? Mr. Chapman lost?” Quentin’s face was slack with shock as he beheld Stephan’s injuries and the blood he was still coughing up as a result of the man’s attack. He’d never anticipated the strength the chunkster had shown–not even Mr. Chapman could rival that kind of power.

“Who is that chunkster? Not even Mr. Chapman could break through his defenses-

Natasha’s face grew serious. She was well aware of the extent of Stephan’s capabilities. He was a martial artist who specialized in harnessing the body’s internal energy, and his punches were enough to break through store.

And yet, for someone of his expertise to have not been able to impact the other man in the slightest–it was evident that his opponent would not be easily defeated by ordinary means alone.

“If I’m not mistaken, he’s Mr. Williams‘ second disciple. They call him Rotund Tiger.”

Mr. Wangley stroked his beard and said nonchalantly. “This person might seem simple–minded, but the talent he possesses when it comes to martial arts is extraordinary. His body is capable of both attack and defense- it’s tough yet flexible. It’s very difficult for someone unfamiliar with his fighting style to take him on successfully.”

“Mr. Wangley, can you take him on?” Natasha asked in return.

“I can’t guarantee a win, but I think I have an eighty to ninety percent chance of holding my own against him.” Mr. Wangley’s tone was proud.

“Good. Please do your best then, Mr. Wangley.” Natasha nodded imperceptibly.

“Mr. Wangley, the man’s weakness lies on the crown of his head. If you time your attacks well and seize the opportunity when it presents itself, you might be able to take him down in one strike!” Dustin spoke up


It’d only taken him a single round to discern the opponent’s vulnerable spots.

If they wanted to win, it was crucial to strike where the opponent was the weakest–not only would that ensure an easy win, but it would also further guarantee their overall victory.

“What? Are you trying to tell me what to do?” Mr. Wangley peered at Dustin out of the corner of his eye, his

tone displeased.

“I’m just offering a friendly reminder.”

“A reminder? Do I look like I need your reminders? Mr. Wangley sneered. “Who do you think you are, boy? What right do you have to tell me how to take this man down? Do you think you’re stronger than me?”

“Dustin! Shut your mouth if you don’t know what you’re talking about. Does Mr. Wangley look like he needs

your advice to win? Really, it’s about time someone put you in your place for a change!” Quentin was equally


it, then.” Dustin shrugged. There was no point in trying

to offer a

Chapter 237

it, he wouldn’t scramble to make them

leaving Dustin with those words. The older man scared into the battle ring like a proud eagle, landing steadily amid

whistled, raucous cheers erupting all over in response to

attention. He picked up the fallen mutton leg

tonight. It is only fate for you to

the ring, and I’ll treat you to a whole roasted lamb in return!” Brody shouted

“Lamb… lamb!”

eyes lit up as he turned to Mr. Wangley. At present, it was not a renowned fighter who stood. before

eat lamb!” He struggled to utter a few words from his limited vocabulary before launching his first attack. With a stomp, the chunkster charged toward Mr. Wangley like the sputtering engine of a car, violently aiming for

amateur!” Mr. Wangley flexed his soles and sprang, landing not a moment later on the chunkster’s back. Then, without pausing, he extended

Mr. Wangley’s momentum. He swayed, seconds

Meat!” The chunkster was growing impatient now. His assault became crazed and frantic, but Mr. Wangley was smart enough not to meet them head–on. Instead, he ducked agilely, launching a

here and there as he

it came to manipulating the pressure points of his opponent to turn the situation in

believed that no matter how strong the chunkster’s defenses were, he could effectively target his pressure points and bring him down, once and for all! At the end of the day, those were the

as time passed, Mr. Wangley couldn’t help but

of the chunkster’s build, his delenses were different from the patterns exhibited by the usual adamantine shields wielded by the opponents he’d

points he’d been targeting all this while, they only proved to be mildly effective for a short period of time before


Chapter 237

rendering most

the chunkster appeared to be spirited while

of breath than

the internal energy he possessed drained him to

Wangley exclaimed

was unremarkable,

targeting the crown of his head! That’s where his weakness lies!” Natasha’s voice

from the audience.

one believed Dustin but

brat speaks nothing but nonsense! He’s just trying to disrupt the state

expression was icy.

let alone someone whose name he hadn’t even heard of in his entire life. He

to finish this soon! And quickly!” His stamina was swiftly waning, and he couldn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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