Chapter 479

“Lord Consultant, greetings! I am fighter Cobalt Sander!”

Under everyone’s gaze, Cobalt got on one knee and saluted Dustin with a face full of respect. He was the Hill family’s fighter, in other words, he was a high–ranking guard.

Meanwhile, a consultant was completely different–a consultant was second only to the master!

Everyone, no matter who, referred to him with the respectful address of “sir” or “lord.”

One could count on one hand the number of Consultant Badges the Hill family had given out. There were merely a handful of consultants, but each and every one of them was all–powerful figures!

If Dustin was able to get a Consultant Badge, then that was sufficient proof of his power and worth!


suddenly got on one knee. They were completely dumbstruck, their faces

famous Master Sander, the second–ranked on the Hundred Immortals! People

person of that caliber had actually knelt for

fuck was going

and Duncan were dumbfounded. Julie and the others looked

never expected that just by taking out a badge, Dustin could have scared someone into falling to

truth, even Dustin hadn’t expected Cobalt to react this way.

at a loss. He’d invited Cobalt to fight

a sincere apology. “My lord, forgive me for not recognizing you. I have offended you greatly earlier, but please do not take it

began to bead on

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that with just one word from a

Since things didn’t sour further, then let’s just treat it as a misunderstanding.” Dustin said

my lord!”

his gratitude, without any hesitation, he carried his son on his

Chapter 479

nothing in front of a true master. After all, in a place like Millsburg, there were many hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and divine–level martial artists were

instantly panicked. “Master Sander? What’s going to happen to me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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