Chapter 367

“He should have left long ago. He’s only going to bring us trouble if he stays here,” Dustin said frostily.

“Before your father left, he asked me to talk you into returning to the Rhys family. I refused.” Gregory sat down on a chair and poured himself a cup of tea.

“I told him that the Rhys household is a dangerous place to be in. I’d much rather see you do what you love and live your best life out here than be constantly caught in power struggles and deceitful manipulations back there. Surprisingly, he agreed. He told me that all he wants is for you to be happy, and that the Rhys family will always be there to back you up. His only wish is for you to make time to go back and visit your mother’s grave to pay her respect.”

chest, right above his heart. He reached up to find that it

now’s not the time. The day the murderer pays

he visit his mother’s grave now knowing that her death has yet

said all that’s left to be said. You make your own decision.” Then Gregory downed the cup of tea and went upstairs, ready to go back to

your mind?” Dahlia walked in and

come in?”

in thought over? Is it me you’re thinking about, or is

it. “Oh? Is there someone

was amused

quickly changed the topic. “Did you come here so early in the

better to do with my time?” Dahlia rolled her eyes at him. “I’ve come to share some good news! The Nicholson family in Glenstead has finally accepted our family again! We’ll be

so? Well,

also listed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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