Chapter 464

With Hector and Jacob’s arrangements, all the guests in attendance at the Harmon family gathering gradually

left, and the annual event came to a jarring end.

In order to prevent any other parties from taking advantage of the situation, Hector gave everyone firm

instructions to keep what happened a secret and that under no circumstances was any information to be


When all the guests had left, about 100 of the Harmons stayed back. As part of the Harmon family, they understood that if anything were to happen to the family, they would be similarly implicated, so they were all

in it together.

Harmon family would have suffered a tremendous loss.” Hector patted Dustin on the

come by such a fine

Surely you’re

if there’s anything that you

your wish,”

like to request that you annul Natasha’s marriage alliance

freedom,” Dustin said


he shook his head. “I’m


Grants are able to help you defeat the

upon a long time ago. If we suddenly decide to annul it, it would be akin to publicly disgracing the Grant family,

world. As someone who had been a master of the Balerno martial arts, Paul Hill had a myriad of disciples across the nation. His prestige in the martial world was unrivaled. As for the Grants, they had both military power and connections in the martial world. Their multifaceted development made them the family who thrived and flourished the most out of the three influential families. Their wealth

a chance against the Dark Lord, but they were utterly helpless against the Grants. And that just was how things stood with the Harmons now. Annulling the marriage

things if it wasn’t the

Dustin asked


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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