Chapter 472

“My man, this is a pretty decent salary. You won’t get a better offer anywhere else! Il you do a good job, I might even give you a bonus!” Terrence jibed.

“You’re lucky that Terrence is offering you this position as his chauffeur, Dustin. You’ll regret it if you pass on this opportunity!” Julie said proudly,

“That’s right! Terrence is the manager of Brooks Corporation, and he has a bright future ahead. You’ll get a lot

of extra perks working for him. What’s there to not like about it?” Victoria echoed.

“Is Brooks Corporation that big of a deal?” Dustin still wasn’t convinced.

“You don’t know Brooks Corporation? It’s a huge enterprise worth over hundreds of billions! You’ll live a life of luxury if you’re even the least bit affiliated with it!” Victoria scorned. He truly was a country bumpkin who knew


“I’m sorry, I’ve never heard of it before.” Dustin shook his head yet again. He didn’t know much about the

business sector in Millsburg.

Brooks Corporation. But how about Big Bucks Brooks?

in the whole of

his brows. “Of course, I

Well, Brooks Corporation is one of Big Bucks

declared self–importantly.

work for

you know him?”

used to seek medical

help?” Terrence sniggered. “You’re quite a liar, aren’t you, my man? Have you even got any idea how influential Big Bucks Brooks

for help?”

seek medical help from you, of all people, when he can go to them? Who do you think you are?” Julie said with

haven’t even gone through proper medical training! How disgusting!” Florence frowned. Since Dahlia was the one who invited

ousted as

how about I give Roderick a call now?”

well–connected you are.” Terrence laughed maliciously. Even as manager of Brooks Corporation, he didn’t have Big Bucks Brooks‘ number. How could this punk

impressed if you actually got ahold of him!” Julle

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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