Chapter 501

Julie was taken aback before she collected herself and stared at Dustin like he was an idiot. “Are you, now? Dustin, can you stop bluffing? Who do you think you are? The audacity to claim that you’re the leader of the


“Dustin quit it. You need to behave.” Dahlia glared at him. She didn’t look convinced either. After all, Dustin had only arrived in Millsburg a few days ago. It was impossible to claim the leadership position within that

time frame.

“Why would I lie to you about this? If you don’t trust me, just go with me to the Flame Dragon Gang. I’ll get your

money back for you,” Dustin swore.

“Hmph! Do you take us as fools? We’ll die if we ask the gang for our money back!” Julie told him off.

“Whatever. How about I go to the Flame Dragon Gang headquarters alone without the two of you?” He couldn’t be bothered to argue with the ladies, and he thought they were overreacting to a small issue.

I’ll go with you.” Dahlia sprang up

and meet with the Flame Dragon Gang?” Julie was frightened and

try.” Dahlia had a serious look on her face. “In the best–case scenario, we get them to pay their debts. If we can’t, well, we’ll come


you don’t have to go together.” Dahlia held up a hand to stop Julie from talking

out of it.

alone!” Julie let out a long sigh. “I’ll have to reach out to

contacts for your

someone. “Hey, darling. I need you to do me a small

minutes later, Julie hung up with a calmer demeanor. “Julie, I called up Terrence. He promised to help you out. He can’t guarantee that you’ll get the

for me. We’ll leave now. True to her

soon after.

casual tea break at the office of Flame Dragon Properties.


a limited–edition Rolex for a successful man like you. Check it

a gift box, which carried a

thoughtful of you.” Nelson beamed in satisfaction and asked, “What brings you here? I don’t think

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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