Chapter 393

The short guy grinned as he flung Cougar’s body against the wall, where the body left a bloody


“Cougar!” Tarragon hugged the body of his little brother and seethed in vengeance.

“How dare you kill my brother? I’ll tear you into pieces!” Then, he lunged at the short guy like a crazed beast, only to have the short guy kick him in the chest.

Tarragon seemed to have been run over by a truck. He was flung aside and fell hard onto the ground, where he coughed up blood. His rib had collapsed.

The Nicholsons gasped at the second casualty. They knew that Tarragon was way stronger than Cougar, but even the elder brother was defeated after an attack from the short guy. That left them wondering about his origins.

exactly are you?” Tarragon pressed on his chest as blood oozed from his nose and mouth. He knew his opponent must

Hillcrest, a gold–tier assassin in the Bounty League.” The short guy grinned

was not acquainted with Hillcrest, he was well aware of the weight of the reputation. The Bounty League was

the bronze–tier assassins were formidable on their own, and the silver–tier

rare gold–tier

their fields of choice and cost billions to

sent here to teach some rascals a lesson, but little did

would run into the gold–tier assassins of the Bounty League. Talk

now.” Edwin

Dakota’s eyelids twitched as

at Edwin, who started firing like crazy with high accuracy. Each bullet was fatal. In no time, he had


Hillcrest without fuss. In the blink of an eye, the Nicholsons‘ bodyguards suffered a huge loss and multiple casualties. No one was

by fear and trembling

lose all the expert bodyguards

called in from Glenstead.

you have any last words?” Edwin marched up to Gloria

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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