Chapter 526

“Rhys! An outsider like you is in no place to boss us around!” Jacob was exasperated.

“Since none of you has the guts to stand up for Natasha, I’ll do it, then! I don’t mind offending the Grants!” Dustin opened his hand, and a steel knife slid into his palm. “Today I’m going to take an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! No intercession is allowed!”

As soon as he finished saying that, he scratched Jayla’s face with the sharp blade, leaving a deep, bloody mark.

“Ah!” Jayla exclaimed shrilly in pain.

“Don’t you dare!”

“You son of a bitch! Stop right now!”

Jacob and the rest of the members of the Harmon family shouted, their facial expressions changing drastically.

He drew another line across Jayla’s face,

hurt Ms. Grant, even the

silent as he continued to wave his knife

face! Ahh!” Jayla screamed in agony.

only physical pain but also mental torture. Every woman cared about her appearance. Now that her face was ruined, how was she going to live her

stopped. At the


Ms. Grant is? You are going to be done for

were angry at the same time, they dared not

ruin my face! I’m going to make your entire family pay for this!” Jayla screamed, looking as ferocious

do with us! It’s all

care! Unless you kill him for me, I’m going to destroy the


shifted their fierce gazes to Dustin. It seemed like they were going to do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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