Chapter 528

The brawl finally ended ten minutes later.

Although dozens of Flame Dragon Gang disciples were injured in the process, they managed to completely annihilate the Grants’ elite men.

“Sir, I did not fail you. I have eliminated all these pests!” Nelson and his men rushed toward Dustin eagerly.

“Well done. It must have been tiring.” Dustin nodded.

“Not at all. It’s our honor to serve you!” Nelson responded with a grin.

“Clean this place up. Don’t leave any evidence behind.” Dustin ordered.

“Yes, Sir!”

“Boys, it’s time to clean up!” Nelson hollered at his men, and they immediately got to work.

were the Flame Dragon Gang’s leader.” Natasha’s surprised expression quickly turned into a frown. “Still, even with the gang’s help, we can’t win

be powerful, but that doesn’t mean they can’t do whatever they please. There’s always someone more powerful

Southern province, the only two families who have a chance of winning against the Grants are the Murray family and the

so I might as well get rid of them first.” Dustin seemed unbothered. Since they already had their eyes on him,


gathered her into his arms and walked

it right there!” Jacob shouted. “Do you think you can just leave after getting into

my actions,” Dustin responded before

Don’t let him escape.” Jacob

in unison and went after

were to run away now, the Grants might shift their target

Horst, quite a few of our men died today. What a loss.” Nelson’s men

thumped his chest proudly. “I’m sure today’s battle showed Sir Rhys just how strong we are

rushed over in

the fuss about? You act as though it’s something I can’t handle.” Nelson huffed, judging that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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