Chapter 497

Dahlia couldn’t help but frown when she stared at the unbothered faces of the people around her as they chatted away merrily. She made sure to arrive earlier for the board meeting, so Hank’s accusation of tardiness was absolutely baseless. From the moment she entered the room, the attendees remained seated. No one stood up to greet her–not even saving a seat for her. Clearly, they did not take her seriously.

“Hank, what’s this supposed to mean?” She whispered while keeping her composure. She knew that Hank was laying down the law from day one.

“What do you mean?” Hank lit himself a cigar and crossed his legs on the table, seemingly treating the

meeting room as his own office.

“I am sure you have received the news from the family’s patriarch. I’m the new chairman of Nicholson Corp. as

of today.” Her voice was laced with warning.

gave her a mocking

crossed a line here.” She

Do you have evidence of that?” He shrugged and acted unreasonably. “Everyone here knows that this has been my seat forever. It was you who

right do you have?”

What right do

in charge of the company! How dare a newcomer

a joke!”

to make a scene. As they were in the same boat as Hank, they would never allow the young lady

dissatisfied, you may check with Regulus Nicholson!” With a hardened expression, she slapped a

this?” A disdainful Hank added. “Even a general on the battlefield, as the primary decision–maker, might disregard the King’s command! We’re not in

tricks don’t work

slammed a hand on her

are against your appointment.” Hank was

We do

with prominent figures. And you are lacking in capability. Why should you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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