Chapter 535

The next morning, in the president’s office of the Nicholson Corp., Dahlia was sipping a cup of coffee as she went through sheets of financial statements.

Just then, someone knocked on her door.

“Come in.” Dahlia put her



“You called for me, Ms. Nicholson?” Dustin pushed the door open and entered. As Chief Security Officer, he needed to check in at the company every day.

“Where were you last night? I couldn’t reach you on the phone.” Dahlia probed just as he stepped in.

“My friend got into some trouble, so I went to help out.” Dustin grinned sheepishly.

isn’t Natasha Harmon, is it?” Dahlia’s brow rose in suspicion. “No wonder you were so enthusiastic, it turns out you were on

his throat and quickly changed the subject before Dahlia became jealous. “You didn’t call me over just to talk about this, did you,

is arriving later, and we have to serve her well. Make sure you take care of all matters related to security.”


meet at the café downstairs. Let’s go.” Dahlia glanced at her watch before grabbing her

next door. As soon as they sat down,

swung open, and a woman in a red bodycon dress stepped out. Her vibrant scarlet lips, beautiful face, and voluptuous figure were striking, and her long, smooth legs seemed to go on

sprung up as soon as the woman walked into the shop. Dahlia extended her hand with a kind smile. “Hello, Ms. Larson. I’m Dahlia

would be a woman. How interesting.” Ms. Larson removed her sunglasses, revealing her surprised expression.

flatter me, Miss. Please take a seat.” Dahlia

man be?” Ms. Larson gave Dustin a flirty smile as she

from head to toe.

Security Officer, Dustin Rhys. He’s



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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