Chapter 553

Over the next few days, the Harmons began sending out invitations and busied themselves with preparations for Hector’s 50th birthday celebration. As one of the Fabulous Five, the Harmons were a large family with lots of connections, and the leader of the family, Hector, was widely revered. Hence, when news got out that Hector was celebrating his birthday, it sent almost half the city into an excited frenzy. Countless celebrities, wealthy elites, and influential figures were eager to attend the event.

Bright and early in the Harmon estate five days later, the entire household bustled with activity. It was truly a grand affair, as not only was it Hector’s birthday celebration, but it was also the day that Tyler was coming for Natasha. The Harmons needed all the support they could get to pressure Tyler into backing off.

Back in her room, Natasha studied her face in the mirror, admiring how fair and supple her skin was now. She was pleasantly surprised by how well the wound healed. She had steered clear of mirrors for quite a while after her face was wounded, as she dreaded seeing the state her face was in.

But now, there was absolutely no trace of the ghastly wound, and it did not even leave behind a scar. In fact, her skin seemed to glow under Dustin’s careful nursing. It was apparent that Dustin’s ointment was not only capable of healing wounds, but it also had beautifying effects.

“Who’d have thought that your ointment was so effective, Dear? There’s not even the slightest hint of a scar!” Natasha caressed her face in awe.

be a scar, didn’t I? Do you trust me now?”

this ointment can heal wounds without leaving a scar. If we put both of them together, they’d be a hit!” A superb idea hit Natasha then and there, and her eyes lit up. “Can you produce this ointment in large volumes, Dear? With advertising done right, I’m certain this

a sharp mind! But I’m afraid I’m going to have to let you down this time.” Dustin shook his head with an amused smile. “The ingredients used for this ointment are too precious. Some

a self–made businesswoman, it was almost instinctive for her to identify and seize every opportunity to generate

course, if you think that it’s got potential, I can change up the formula a bit,” Dustin suggested. “I can

However, the effects will be

heal wounds without leaving scars and rejuvenate the skin?” Natasha

take a longer time for wounds to heal,” Dustin

be a problem as long as


Chapter 553

the formula in a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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