Chapter 555

“Y–you, you … What did you just say?! Where are your manners, you uncultured swine? How vulgar!” Zoey was upset by Dustin’s words. Although Dustin calmly spoke, his words hit right where they hurt.

“You’re right! A country bumpkin will always be a country bumpkin! He’s got no manners at all!” Zeke was livid. With his privileged background and high educational status, he had never been insulted in such a manner, much less by someone who he considered much lower in status than him.

“The way I behave depends on the person I’m talking to. Do you expect me to treat you with respect when you’re blatantly belittling me?” Dustin asked coldly.

“You!” Zoey clenched her jaws and found that she was at a loss for words.

“Come on, we’re all Natasha’s friends. Let’s not make things ugly over a small matter.” Adriana quickly tried to smooth things over and ease the tension when she saw that things were starting to escalate. It was Mr. Harmon’s 50th birthday celebration today. There was no doubt they’d be creating trouble for the Harmons if they were to have a row there.

Let’s just ignore the loser. We don’t want to stoop down to his level.”

with uncultured

boy toy with a glib tongue. What else is

before finding a seat by the side and

They were so irked that they almost lost their cool again. They had started out intending to disgrace Dustin in order to make him stay away from Natasha and to flaunt their superiority, but in the end, they failed miserably. Not only did they not gain an upper

up to see a hunky man clad in military uniform, with two adjutants following behind him. Following close beside him was a charming woman with

He looks so cool!” Zoey’s eyes

mistaken, he should be Mr. Jacob’s

nice name!” Zoey’s eyes

unit. He’s just one step away from becoming a general. He

recently. Countless scions of prominent families tried their best to curry favor with him due to his high

this? I think I’m in love!” Zoey swooned over Dylan with hearts coming out of her eyes. He was powerful, rich, and, most importantly, handsome. Was he not the embodiment of


Chapter 555

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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