Chapter 580

“That’s right! The Hill family’s Consultant Badge is as hard as steel. Only a counterfeit would be that brittle! Kate supported Dylan’s claim, and everyone else nodded in realization.

“So, it’s a fake after all. That gave me a good shock.”

“This guy knows no shame! I can’t believe he created a counterfeit badge just for show. He’s too


“Hmph! It’s fortunate that Sir Dylan was smart enough to see through him. Otherwise, we’d all have been fooled!”

Most of the crowd started berating Dustin. They trusted a wealthy son more than a lowly commoner. It was ironic how a successful person could blabber nonsense, and it would be taken as the absolute truth. While that same person, before becoming successful, could tell the absolute truth, and his words would be treated as garbage.

“Dylan Harmon, have you thought of the consequences of destroying the Consultant Badge

consequences? Ha! You’re the one tricking people with counterfeit items. I’m just doing what is right,”

not hold you accountable. How dare you

us?” Kate snorted.

Natasha was getting angry. Naturally, she had complete trust in Dylan.

on purpose.

right time. It would be an embarrassment to the Harmons if their children broke out into a fight in front

Dylan walked up to Dustin and passed


if it’s fake or

I say so. It doesn’t matter if you feel wronged, Fucking keep it in. The world revolves around power and position, brat. A loser like you will only be worthy of being trampled by me. Remember, you’re just an ant. Act like one. There are people you can’t afford to offend, so suck it up!” Near the end,

“People like you truly

angry? Come on, I’m right here. Why don’t you hit

going to dirty my hands if I hit you. But not to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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