Chapter 568

Tyler stomped on the ground heavily, causing a violent surge of energy to strike Dylan Dylan staggered backward from the impact, spitting out another mouthful of blood. “You” He gritted his teeth, not daring to utter another sound. He knew he had been completely defeated

“Tyler, you are too much!” Jacob erupted in fury at the sight of his son injured once again

“Cut the crap! Make a choice–The carriage or the coffin?” With his hands behind his back, Tyler

gave off an imposing air.

suppress the entire Harmon family alone?

crazy!” Jacob retorted angrily.

marching could be heard by the door. As they approached, the noise grew louder. Even the liquids

and fully armed guards striding in with confidence. The guards were tall

fighters. Their presence subdued the crowd, and the number of dark barrels especially

sight. Nobody expected Tyler to deploy a group of armed guards as

Anyone that met his gaze dropped their heads unwittingly. Who would dare step out when the armed guards have appeared? They

upset. The thing he feared the most

outrageous!” Jacob and the rest of the Harmons gritted their teeth, but there was nothing they could do. Today seemed like

too much for deploying the armed guards for a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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