Chapter 583

The next morning, at Nicholson Corp. Dustin reported to work as usual. As Chief Security Officer, his work was relatively easy. He would punch in in the morning and patrol the area with a few officers, and he would have free time after that. He could do anything he wanted since no one was there to keep watch on him

Dustin had just sat down in his office when someone knocked on his door. He looked up and found that it was the Vice Chairman, Hank Hoffman.

“Mr. Rhys, are you free? Can I have a word with you?” Hank walked in the door with a smile.

Remaining in his seat, Dustin greeted him. “Mr. Hoffman, how can I help you?”

“Mr. Rhys, I had my friend bring back this aged Narcissus Tea from Mount Woui. I hope you like it.

Hank took out a delicate gift box and placed it on his table.

Dustin raised an eyebrow. “Aged Narcissus Tea? This must be pretty expensive.”

nothing, just over a million

Hoffman, this is too valuable. I can’t afford to take it, you should keep it for

check from his pocket and said, “Here are

me gifts and money. What exactly is the meaning of this?” Dustin

Rhys.” He flashed Dustin a meaningful smile. “I know you are close to Dahlia, but you won’t have

remained unchanged.

can help me out. I’ll treat you well. The gifts I’ve given you today are just the start of many. There’ll be more



responded calmly.

only a measly salary. Why would you still be

offer was due to his identity as the Flame

you sure have confidence in me. Sadly, I’m not interested in your terms.” Dustin gave him an


Chapter 586

best to fulfill

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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