Chapter 476

“Ah!” There were a series of loud cries as the henchmen were caught off–guard, falling to the floor one after another and rolling around in pain.

In a blink of an eye, the floor was littered with people. Everyone had a fork or a knife lodged so deeply in their thighs that they couldn’t even pull it out.

“What?” Duncan couldn’t help but be startled by the sight.

He had carefully handpicked these henchmen. All of them had gone through extensive training and were highly skilled. Typically speaking, a ten–against–one battle would have ended in an overwhelming but predictable victory on one side.

Yet, never in his dreams would he have expected that all of his men would have fallen just like that.

Were cutleries supposed to be this deadly?

“What? That bastard is this strong?” Victoria couldn’t help but be shell–shocked by how nonchalant Dustin looked. In her mind, Dustin was just an insignificant small fry.


out he’s had some training. Why didn’t he

to his rescue sooner, he wouldn’t have

for nothing!


seems to be getting better and better

and the rest were secretly stunned. Although they knew that Dustin

a single second

people? That may be a tall order.” Dustin stared into Duncan’s eyes and continued indifferently. “If you break one of

of surprise, Duncan burst into menacing laughter. “Punk, I’ll admit that you’ve got something in you,

up your sleeve?” A shadow of a

here for revenge, so of course I made preparations. You’re a good fighter, aren’t you? Well, I’ll bring out someone who is an even better

he clapped his

two men in tracksuits walked in. One was in his forties, while the other was in his early twenties. From the looks of it, they had to be father and son. Not only


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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