Chapter 509

“How could that happen?” Terrence slumped onto the ground as he grew despondent. He did not expect Roderick Brooks, his boss, to be the subject of his wrath yesterday. Not only was he fired, but he also dragged his uncle down with him as they got kicked out of the company.

“You brat! What are you standing there for? Come with me to apologize to Mr. Brooks now! The man grabbed Terrence by the hair and violently dragged him out. The whole time, a cowering Terrence didn’t utter even a single word of protest.

“What?” Julie’s jaw dropped to the ground at the sight of it. It was hard to fathom how Terrence had fallen from a place of authority and honor to one of shame.

“He totally deserved that! It was his fault for acting like a thug!” Cole scoffed and disappeared into his office.

“Your dear Terrence can’t even save himself,” Dustin remarked with amusement.

because of you and your stupid predictions! He wouldn’t have been fired if it weren’t for you!” Julie started to

that Terrence deserved everything that had happened. One could see it coming because of

for a moment? Our top priority is to figure out a solution to that challenge!” Dahlia reminded them

no choice but to get back and brainstorm. Terrence is fired, and Mr. Suzman isn’t going to budge.” Sighing. Julie decided that this was her unlucky day, suffering


scanned him from head to toe with a disdainful look. “Who do you think you are? Do you think you could do whatever

but that doesn’t mean I’ll fail too.” Dustin smiled at her. “I’m acquainted with Roderick Brooks. This shouldn’t

that came from him. Roderick Brooks was the top business magnate

me? I’ll call him up.” Instead of explaining further,

friend of mine wanted to collaborate with Brooks Corporation. I

It! A business deal is just a small matter! I can even hand the company over to you if that makes you happy. Where are you? I’ll send someone to pick you

Brooks Corporation. Just send a word and get Mr.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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