Chapter 491

The next morning, in a ward at Pinevale Hospital, Edmund’s serious condition finally turned for the better. Hel laid on the hospital bed, sleeping peacefully, with Abigail keeping watch beside him. Even though the father- daughter duo didn’t get along well on a typical day. Abigail cared for him the most when a serious matter arose. She had been busy the entire night and hadn’t gotten any sleep.

“Kid, eat something.” At that moment, Dustin walked in with breakfast. “Your father’s condition has stabilized, and he’ll get better soon. You don’t need to worry.”

“Thank you, Dustin.” Abigail forced out a smile. She took a few bites but didn’t have the appetite to continue and pushed the food aside.

“Abigail, we’re here.” Suddenly, a group of youngsters walked through the door. They were Abigail’s classmates, and they all brought something with them. Some of them had flowers, some had fruits, and others brought drinks. Among the gifts, the one most eye–catching was Mike’s panax root.

“Abigail, I heard your dad has fallen sick, so I bought this wild panax root. It can greatly replenish your dad’s health.” Mike smiled, passing the delicately wrapped panax root to Abigail with both hands.

“Thank you, but this is too valuable. You should take it back.” Abigail declined his kind gesture. She had heard

that the value of wild panax root was akin to gold.

can I take back a present? Not to mention, it doesn’t cost

is injured and hospitalized, he could make good use

they’d put it that way. Abigail had no other reason to

it.” Mike smiled and asked, “Right, Abigail, I heard

dared do

She didn’t wish for her father’s situation to be spread

to be afraid. Just tell me what happened. It doesn’t matter who did it.

here, no one would bully you. He’ll deal with any


to feel bad. We’re classmates, and we’ll solve every problem

of youngsters spoke fervently in righteous

Dustin, not sure if

him? He’s not the one who did it, is he?”

no. Of course not.” Abigail

happened?” Nina

Chapter 491

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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