Chapter 540

James merely held out a finger.

“Ten million?” Dahlia took a deep breath and tried to suppress her anger. “It’s quite a lot, but

at least we can still pay it back. Treat it as the price of a lesson learned.”

“You’ve got it wrong, Sis. It’s not just ten million dollars; it’s a hundred million.” James mumbled weakly.

“A hundred million?!” Dahlia paled. “Are you serious? Where did you get so much money in the first place?”

“We had a few million in savings. Then, we used our two villas to take out loans. Mom stole the remaining tens of thousands from you.” James shrank back and confessed softly.

“What?” Dahlia’s blood boiled. “A-are you guys crazy? Taking loans and stealing? Who said you could do that?”

would sell their house to invest in a

die instead!” Florence moaned and began banging her head on the wall again, acting so well

you think of a way to take care

president of Cardinal Group now. A hundred million dollars shouldn’t be

and merely bought a portion of the company’s shares. It’s not time for dividends yet, so I don’t have any spare cash. Besides, I have a one-billion-dollar loan to pay back,

Florence was shocked. She thought Dahlia was living a glorious life after being promoted to President and didn’t know that her daughter was struggling so badly. “Aunt Florence.” Just then, Julie and her mother,

Florence sprung up expectantly. Things were still salvageable if they

couldn’t get ahold of him at all. I’m sure

was a swindler? Curse our rotten luck!”

boyfriend. How do you propose we solve

does it have to do with me? I’m not the one who lied to you!”

lost a lot of money as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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