Chapter 551

“What? He threatened to send his troops?” Everyone was startled by the news Jacob brought. They had all thought that things would run smoothly. As long as Tyler agreed to their proposal, the marriage alliance would still be on. Who’d have thought that this was how things turned out?

“I just don’t get it. What am I lacking compared to Natasha? Why would Tyler refuse to marry me?” Kate hissed through gritted teeth, livid. As a woman, she had lowered herself so much by going to

the Grants to offer her hand in marriage. Not only had Tyler not appreciated the gesture and thrown her out, but he also did not even spare her a glance once the entire time! It was pure


“So Tyler rejected the swap, and Natasha refuses to marry him. Now what?” Someone asked.

“I say we go head–on against them!” Kate exclaimed in frustration. “Since Tyler isn’t showing us any respect, I don’t see why we should honor them either!”

be listening in on them, so they had

You decide!” Jacob took his

shame at the Grants earlier

we’ll have to find other means of getting out of the wedding alliance,” Hector said

it on the same day as the wedding. I’ll organize a huge

to understand what Hector had

Grants into backing off with the celebration?” Trent

forcing Natasha into the marriage, I’ll hold a huge celebration on the same day, and invite all the rich and famous that we know.

stay in others‘ good books and made many valuable connections. It’s time we showed the Grants who we have behind us. It might make them stop and rethink their choices before acting

Tyler really sends his troops?” Jacob went straight to the point. The Grants were so powerful because they had strong military backgrounds. That was the only reason why nobody dared to mess with them, and the sole


that he’d be able to help us,” Hector said. Sir Moran was a regional deputy chief who was immensely


Chapter 551

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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