Chapter 532

“Of course not, Father. You will always be the head of the family.” Trent smiled sheepishly.

“Fine. Since you said that, I’ll give you my opinion.” Andrew surveyed the room. “Dustin has saved my life, as well as helped our family multiple times. We are in his debt, so anyone who tries to take him today will be going against me!”


The group shared dismayed glances. They never expected Andrew to stand up for Dustin during this crucial time.

“Father, this bastard killed one of the Grants’ daughters! He will only drag us deeper into this mess!” Trent rebutted.

“Trent is right! We’re doing this for the greater good of the family!” Jacob seconded.

“You bunch say such lofty things when you’re just cowards!” Andrew struck the floor with his cane forcefully. “The Grants have been stepping all over us, and instead of standing up against them, you choose to grovel and please them? What an embarrassment to our family!”


off Trent’s words. “Our family has gone through all sorts of trials since its existence. How could we embarrass our ancestors by losing our dignity because of something like this?”

shame, unable to deny that the

priority should be to save Hector, and

because of how righteous and brave his son was, but now that Hector was captured, the entire family

best option is to hand Dustin over to them

Andrew glared at his granddaughter. “The Grants were the ones who framed and imprisoned your uncle, yet you think they’ll help

imprisoned by

crowd was dismayed to hear this. After all, framing the head

claims without evidence! There are ears everywhere.” Trent reminded seriously.

around and called out.

man into the room. The man wore a hood that made it difficult to

real murderer!” Andrew yanked off the man’s hood, exposing a familiar face.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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