Chapter 558

“Whoever wants the drink can have it, but it’s not going to be me.” Dustin remained unfazed by the comments and derogatory remarks hurled his way.

“Well, that’s not up to you!” Dylan’s expression turned cold. “Boys, make him drink it!”

‘Yes, sir!” The two adjutants immediately went up to Dustin, ready to force the drink down his throat

“Buzz off.” With two backhanded slaps, Dustin sent the two adjutants sprawling on the ground, blood streaming from their noses and their teeth broken. They scrambled to get back up but failed miserably.

“Holy shit! The guy’s getting violent!” The onlookers were startled and enraged by what they saw. Assaulting military personnel was a major offense, and when the situation called for it, they were authorized to use their guns.

a punch at Dustin’s face. As a high–ranking commander of the Dark Panther Cavalry, it went without saying that he was skilled in martial arts. Currently, he was an entry level divine martial artist, considered

thud resonated as Dylan’s fist made contact with Dustin’s palm. Dylan was utterly shocked, struggling to comprehend how Dustin could achieve such a feat. Though he had yet to exert his full force, he was a divine–level martial artist! Just a light punch from him was enough to send a regular person flying. He was certain that Dustin was also

so arrogant. I suppose I’ll have to show you what I’m capable of today.” Dylan declared, removing his coat. He was ready to go all out. Though

hurt you, but if you insist on taking advantage of my kindness, I’m afraid I’ll not be so

can act so arrogantly just because you think you know some martial

By all means, go

today that there

energy and was about to attack, a loud voice

it right there!” Hector marched in with several others behind him. “What’s going on here? It’s my birthday celebration today, and you’re at each other’s throats?” Hector’s burning gaze


Chapter 558

an accusing finger at Dustin. “I offered him a drink as a gesture of appreciation, but not only did he refuse it, he even went so far as to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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