Chapter 610

“I don’t think you understand the situation here. You’re the rat in the trap right now, not me.”

Dustin reminded.

The Flame Dragon Gang disciples, who had been suppressed by Bennet earlier, sprung up excitedly now that they had a fighting chance against the Doyle family.

“What? Are you challenging my family?” Maggie yelled.

“So what if I am? Since I’ve already offended your family, I might as well see things to the end. “Dustin retorted fearlessly.

“You!” Maggie seethed. She didn’t expect Dustin to be crazy enough to completely disregard her family.

“Ms. Maggie, this place isn’t safe anymore. We should retreat and regroup.” One of the martial artists next to her whispered.

There was no way they could hold out against so many gang disciples, especially with Dustin around.

deep breath and eventually ordered,


burst out, and the Doyle family martial artists were sent flying into the air, causing wails to

the chance to release all the pent–up


walked in, with a dozen female martial

black. It was Claudia Doyle,

and Sheila had been severely injured by Thor Garcia, one of The Four Scoundrels. Back then, Dustin was the one who saved

this bastard for me!” Maggie’s eyes lit up, and she

Claudia was just as astonished to see

Ms. Doyle.” Dustin greeted

so arrogantly. And he even challenged our family. Take him down immediately!” Maggie jeered.

shot Maggie a glare, causing the latter to

her strength, but because of Claudia’s close relationship with the Murrays. Out of

you have against Maggie, but I

stirred up trouble and even hurt my men. I can’t pretend

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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