Chapter 643

“Ugh-!” Astrid froze.

Astrid looked at Azalea, who had a smile on her face, and then down at the sword in her chest. She was filled with shock and disbelief. She never imagined that Azalea would kill her without hesitation when she was smiling cheerfully just a second ago. There weren’t any signs. throughout the entire situation.

“What?” Dustin was also bewildered at the sudden turn of events. He had casually mentioned it without expecting anything to happen. He would never imagine that Azalea would not only take it seriously but also act without hesitation and plunged her sword straight into her senior’s chest. He wondered if this woman was ruthless or just truly insane.

“W-why?” Astrid spat out the words with difficulty, glaring at Azalea with wide eyes. Mixed emotions flashed across her face-disbelief, fury, resentment, and defiance. But above all, confusion clouded her face. She couldn’t understand why Azalea would kill her.


him. He asked me to kill you. I’m in a difficult position

was about to say something when she spat out

patted the blood stains on her clothes in disgust before pulling out her sword forcefully. Following the sound of a sharp whistle, blood gushed from

doing?” The group of masked women was shocked to see Astrid fall. They never imagined that

up her palm and blew lightly at the masked women, creating a crimson mist that enveloped everyone present. Soon, the unsuspecting group of people, including Dahlia, fell

up various foolproof measures to deal with Dustin. However, they had failed to anticipate and have their

believe you betrayed us. The Dark Lord will never forgive you! “With


Azalea bent down and stabbed her once more, relaxing only after she was certain Astrid was

Dustin and smiled as she asked, “What do you think?

you mean by this?” Dustin frowned

said to kill Astrid earlier, so I helped you to do so. Is there a problem?”

in confusion.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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