Chapter 624

How were they going to win against a monster like Terry?

“What do you think of Terry’s performance, Sir Paul?” Phil was beaming from ear to ear after witnessing his son’s outstanding show.

“Not bad. He’s a talented one indeed.” Paul gave a small smile. “I have a feeling that he will become a Grandmaster martial artist in the next decade.”

Paul’s words shocked everyone. Grandmaster martial artists were extremely rare. Even in Balerno, where several hundred million people resided, there had only ever been five Grandmaster martial artists. And each of them had made a name for themselves with their strength.

Terry’s talent must be truly incredible if Paul was willing to give such high praise.

“You flatter him, Sir Paul. My son might be talented, but he still needs work.” Phil’s words may

seem modest, but he failed to hide the grin on his face.

within the next decade, the Doyle family would be invincible! In fact, they might very well become

Tremendous Four.

from the tree. Congratulations,

beside them, congratulated

how strong a Grandmaster martial artist was. After all, the Hill family was only so influential because of Paul, and that was what it meant to be a Grandmaster

that guarantee that Dustin will lose?” Ruth asked worriedly. Terry’s performance earlier had wiped away whatever

correctly, someone was going to challenge me to a duel today.” Just then, Terry spoke. He

seeing what happened to Verdant Phantom, there’s no

I’m sure he’s

might as well show his face, right? Rather than hiding like

crowd smirked and began bad-mouthing Dustin, assuming that he hadn’t appeared due to

you were the leader of the Flame Dragon Gang? Why haven’t you gone up yet?” Gordon’s eyes shot to Dustin, a smirk hanging

big earlier. Why are you keeping silent now?”

Rhys. Someone’s calling you. You should get up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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