Chapter 636

Paul, who had been silent the entire time, finally spoke up. “Mr. Doyle, there are rules that should be kept. Since your son was the one who accepted the challenge, he should accept whatever consequences there are.”

“But, my son-” Phil wanted to protest but stopped when he met Paul’s icy glare. “Do you plan to be condemned by everyone?”

“No, sir.” Phil gritted his teeth and lowered his head. In terms of status and power, the Doyle family was no match for Paul.

“Mr. Doyle, you should send your son to Stonearay Order immediately. He might still have hope if Dr. Watkins takes a look at him,” Paul reminded.

gathered his son into his arms and dashed. out of the arena, the rest of the Doyle family members

if I have a word with

Dustin nodded and followed Paul out

the two men were gone, gossip

“What an outstanding battle!”

to a nobody. I

Flame Dragon

“As he should.”

a talented individual should join

Autumn Wind has called dibs on that guy. I’m willing to

forgetting about

are too late. Sir Paul

Oh, that sneaky

are you waiting for?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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