Chapter 565

“What’s going on?”

The crowd glanced at each other and broke out in whispers at the sight of the wedding carriage being brought in. Wasn’t it Hector’s 50th birthday? It seemed like Tyler was deliberately stirring up trouble.

“Tyler, what’s the meaning of this?” Hector’s smile gradually disappeared. He didn’t expect Tyler to cut straight to the chase right after his arrival. He was truly relentless.

“In accordance with our marriage contract, I’m picking up my bride today,” Tyler stated calmly. “Marriage contract? Bride?”

“It can’t be. Tyler and Natasha are engaged?”

them to be betrothed. However, this manner of

buzzing in surprise, confusion, jealousy, and curiosity. Picking up the bride at a birthday party

stayed calm and composed. “Tyler, we’ll discuss the details of the marriage agreement later on. It’s my

won’t do, and nobody can change my mind.” Tyler refused immediately without hesitation. ” Since I’ve come today,

to be that domineering. He was not only inconsiderate, he was also

turned cold. “Marriage has always been a matter of mutual consent. Aren’t you afraid of public ridicule by resorting to

through invitation or coercion, I

if my daughter won’t get married?” Hector

Very soon, a large, black coffin was carried in by eight people. With a loud thud, they placed it down so that it was in line with the carriage and also pointed at Hector. Tyler

presents.” With an expressionless face, he


“The audacity!”

“How dare you!”

Grant, you’re crossing the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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