Chapter 657

“I bow before you in reverence, Mr. Rhys! Felix Miller, leader of the Charging Tiger gang at your service, sir!” As the crowd watched, Felix fell to his knees and prostrated before Dustin.

A hushed silence fell over the crowd. Chad was dumbfounded, as were Edmund, Abigail, and the onlookers. Even the members of the Charging Tiger gang were dumbfounded. Dustin found himself gaping at the sight before him.

that Felix Miller, the fearsome leader of the mighty Charging Tiger gang, known for being merciless, would publicly prostrate before Dustin. It was as though he

for real?” Abigail stared

earth is going on?” The onlookers looked at each other in

Fabulous Five, he walked with

Chad shook his head violently, his entire worldview shaken to its core. In his eyes, his father was an upright and heroic figure, always remaining stoic and composed even in the face of adversaries. So how could

Felix. He was certain that he didn’t know this man. It was truly mind-boggling to have

it in you to forgive us this once if we have

I know you?”

of watching you fight. You were incredible at the Doyles’ yesterday. Truly

across Millsburg after the duel yesterday, and the Flame

was going on. The reason Felix feared him so much that he was brought to his knees was that he was

mighty Charging Tiger gang! Why are you on your knees at this bastard’s feet?” When

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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