Chapter 665

“Get lost!” Natasha’s answer was simple and direct.

The smile on Caelus’ face froze. He had never thought she wouldn’t even try to spare his feelings. After all, he was the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians and a universally acknowledged martial arts genius. No matter where he went, people kissed the ground he walked on, and no one dared look down on him.

But today, of all days, when he tried to ask for someone’s hand in marriage, all he received in response was a simple “Get lost!” His reputation was going down the drain.

“Natasha, don’t be rude!” Hector chastised. He then said regretfully, “Caelus, my daughter impulsively spoke out of turn. Please don’t take it to heart.”

Caelus was the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians, after all. He had to show him some form of respect.

“Mr. Harmon, I consider myself a handsome and exceptionally talented man. I don’t think it’s a tall order to become your son-in-law. Now, I’m sincerely proposing to your daughter, and this is the attitude I get in return?” Caelus frowned slightly.

“This is a misunderstanding, Caelus. Actually, my daughter is already betrothed. All I can say is that you two are not destined to be,” Hector explained, shaking his head.

“Betrothed? To whom?” Caelus was taken aback.

“To this young man next to me, Dustin.” Hector gestured toward him.

In an instant, everyone’s eyes were drawn to Dustin.

Dustin’s mouth twitched. The only choice he had was to go along with it. At this point, no matter whether it was real or not, he couldn’t expose the bluff.

“Dustin?” Caelus narrowed his eyes slightly. The moment he stepped through the door, he noticed. this man. At first, he simply thought Dustin was an ordinary disciple of the Harmon family. Never in a million years did he think the man was Nathasha’s fiancé.

Caelus peered at him closely. Besides being somewhat good-looking, there was nothing. outstanding about him. He dressed ordinarily and gave off an aura of ordinariness. He seemed to be the farthest thing from a powerful martial artist, and he didn’t have the energy that young talent should have.

His entire being screamed average.

“Mr. Harmon, I don’t understand. In what way is this guy worthy of your daughter?” Caelus said, not hiding the disdain on his face. How could a mediocre young man like Dustin be put on par with the senior disciple of the Invincible Guardians?

in both medicine and martial arts. And he’s way better than you. Why wouldn’t he be

always going to be that arrogant bastard who liked to look down on

medicine and martial arts?” Caelus

why don’t we have a

want to

martial arts battle. The winner will

to look at Natasha. Although he was certain he could win, he didn’t agree with treating women as objects to

then just forfeit,” Caelus said with a cold

fight? Fine, we agree!”

that moment, Hector suddenly slammed his hand on the table and shouted, “This is ridiculous! The

“Dad, that bastard”

hand, interrupting Natasha. Sternly, he said, “Do not bring up the martial arts battle again.

would get complicated. One side was the young man that he had his eyes on, while the other was the Invincible Guardians. No matter who won, it

the big enemy appeared, any internal conflict would just be an opportunity

exhausted from the long journey. Go get some rest. We can

Hector said lightly.

was upset, Caelus couldn’t refuse. After all, Hector was on good terms

the guest wing and show them the

Chapter 666

bowed and

won’t be this lucky next time.” Caelus shot Dustin a cold glare before leaving with


circumstances. Let’s put the interests of the whole above anything else. Now, we need the power of the Invincible Guardians, so let’s not turn them against

on my nerves, there won’t be a problem.”

shook his head helplessly. “Enough You two should head out. I still

They quickly said

luxurious guest suite for Dustin, complete with a

it nicely, a private bodyguard would get special

down at first, but he couldn’t stand the pleading and pestering, so he decided to stay for now.

he could easily take out several people at once. If he didn’t stay by Natasha’s

in the Harmons’ home for the next few days. In his spare time, he gave martial arts training to Abigail or went flower viewing with Natasha. Occasionally, he’d call Nelson to ask about the results of the

culprit-a resident doctor at the hospital. After committing the murders, the resident fled to escape punishment. The Flame Dragon Gang and the Charging Tiger Gang were pursuing

Once they caught him, it would be

Year’s Eve, large, fluffy snowflakes descended from the sky, covering

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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